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Our officers 

In 1968, the SCA was incorporated as a not for profit educational organization.  As it grew, it divided its known world into geographic regions called Kingdoms, each with its own King and Queen chosen by armored combat at yearly tournaments.  Within each kingdom are local chapters, known as cantons, shires, baronies, provinces, or principalities depending on their size and location. Windwrym is a Shire in the Kingdom of Avacal. 


Like any volunteer organization, the SCA needs officers to conduct our meetings, keep track of our money, and generally ensure that we function.  The SCA as a whole has a board of directors.  Kingdoms and Principalities have their officers, and in turn, smaller chapters, such as our Shire have the officers shown below.  Anyone can attend a business meeting, which we do in person or virtual.  However, you must be a paid member of to hold office.  

Seneschal(e )

Equivalent to the President, this individual takes care of the administration of the Shire. While other members can be in charge of events, (we call them event stewards) the seneschal must sign all the official SCA documents.  


Our Seneschal reports to the Kingdom Seneschal.  


A and s officer.jpg
Arts and Sciences 

 Almost anything can count as an Art or a Science, from making clothing (garb) to brewing mead, or discussing medieval movies.  

Contact this officer if you want to learn something, can teach something, or just want to get together and work on your projects.   

Open Offices 


The Chatelaine was the keeper of a medieval castle and all the stuff in it.  

SCA Chatelaines are given the task of orienting new members to the group.  This includes providing loaner clothing and other items, like dishes. This is called Gold Key.  There is no charge for this.  



This very important individual is our Treasurer.   The exchequer oversees our finances and ensures that the money is handled properly at our events.  


Shire Exchequers report to the Kingdom Exchequer.  


Our current Exchequer is also our Chronicler, who is  the secretary of our group and takes minutes at our Business meetings.  


We are currently without a Marshal.  This individual would be in charge of organizing and overseeing anything that involves weapons.   

The SCA has many regulations to ensure that we keep things as safe and fair as possible, and the Marshal makes sure we follow them.  



This office takes in two duties and could be done be two individuals.  


The Field Herald makes announcements and helps with communication at events.  


The Book Herald helps people with all the details of choosing a medieval name, (persona,) that follows the rules for people at that time,  and registering a device, (a unique shield pattern) with 



Join us at our next Business  meeting 

© 2021 by the Shire of Windwyrm Proudly created with

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“This is the recognized web site for the Shire of Windwyrm of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Huszar Ilona (Grace Huszar) Webminister of Windwyrm. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at He or she will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

Copyright © 2021 Windwyrm.  The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.” 

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